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  • 如果你用sympy写了任何有意思的东西,请发给我们代码(参考以下获得更多信息).
  • If you found a bug (or just want to let us know what you think), tell us on the mailinglist. You can also add a bug report (or a comment) into the issues.
  • 你可以发表你如何使用SymPy的博文.
  • 你可以帮助我们写文档(或者仅仅发给我们一个补丁).
  • You can help people on our mailinglist.
  • 你可以帮助检查补丁.
  • 你可以提供bug修复和新特性的补丁.



The best way is to send a github pull request against the sympy/sympy repository. We'll review it and push it in.

If you need help with git, github, pull requests, patches, coding, SymPy or anything related, just send us an email to the mailinglist or ask on Gitter, we'll be happy to help. 你也可以在 如何准备补丁阅读使用git和github的指南,

The github pull request is a preferred method, as that makes it easy for us to review and push the code in. That said, you can also clone the latest git repository (see the link on the right), prepare a branch with your code, upload it somewhere (for example github) and send us a link to the sympy mailinglist, or you can even send us raw patches --- but it will be more work for us to integrate it.

SymPy has a broad development team, send us a patch and your name will appear there too.


